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Advanced Analytics & Data Exploration

Visualize and shape your data, take advantage of new insights and make more and more data-driven decisions.

Our Capabilities

We help companies envision, design and deploy the roadmap for their data-driven value creation journey, by offering a combination of business process expertise and profound knowledge of the best in class technology and off the shelf solutions on the market.

Self Service Analysis & Insight Discovery

Self-service business intelligence is an approach to data analytics that enables business users to access and explore data sets even when they don't have a technical background. Self-service analysis empower users to create and edit data analysis in order to answer questions not foreseen in the initial implementation phase.

We help customer discover and adopt Self Service BI Solutions and guide them throughout the necessary end-users enablement and change management. 

Data-Driven Decisions Enablement

Data-driven analysis allows organizations to evaluate their challenges and possible actions with the support of data. This allows companies to turn insight into actions in a faster, more consistent and more scalable way.

We help companies design and implement an end to end data-driven approach - from the identification of their needs and challenges, to the evaluation of platforms and tools, up to the deployment and enablement of their teams.

Data Experience Design

Being able to easily and effectively interact with data is as important as the quality of the data itself. Designing visually effective dashboards, reports and user experience is critical to ensure end-users can truly take advantage of the information presented to make better decisions.

We help companies design and deploy effective insight oriented UX by conducting design sessions and user research in order to create visually effective data representations that maximize the value of data.

Geospatial Analytics

Smart visualizations use innovative techniques to present the shape of data, highlight patterns, trends and outliers. End users can easily open dashboards and gain insight in a structured and effective way.  

We help companies uncover insights by analyzing geospatial data using advanced mapping and visualization techniques, including location intelligence, spatial clustering, and heat maps.


Artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing the world as we speak. With the continuously evolving capability of systems to generate new data, methodologies and technologies able to extract value from it are becoming more and more paramount for a company's success.

Our AI & ML services are designed to help companies build predictive models and algorithms that can be trained to make predictions on most likely future scenarios

As a service Business Model

Servitization is a primary enabler of Circular Economy, and surely one of the top strategies for companies who are willing to increase their profitability while being sustainable. As-a-service business models allow the shift from selling a product, to selling the value of that asset to users in need.

We help companies explore this opportunity - from the analysis of their current business models and operations, to the design and actual implementation of new as-a-service models, leveraging digital technologies and our proprietary methodology to activate new revenue streams.

Industry 4.0 Transition

Industry 4.0 is a well-known concept, yet only a few companies have taken action despite seeing its potential value. Digital technologies are completely remodeling industrial production processes, providing greater flexibility, increased productivity and higher quality.

We guide companies in the transition towards their “Future Factories”, starting with people across the enterprise and, only then, focusing on the technologies that could be more helpful to support employees working with complex equipment and processes and ultimately, to do more with less.

Customer Engagement Revolution

People’s lives revolve around interactions – with other people, brands, products and devices. In a world where the line between digital and physical is extremely blurred, organizations must design and deliver meaningful, next-level customer experiences in order to stay relevant and keep growing.

Bringing together a passion for data, design, technology and customers, we help companies model end-to-end experiences in the phygital world, reimagining their Sales, Marketing and Services digital platforms through a human-centered approach.

Intelligent Automation

To achieve real intelligent automation, an enterprise-wide approach is required - which means designing around people and technologies simultaneously.

Leveraging our approach and technological expertise, we help companies build solutions to achieve quality Augmented-Humans at scale, empowering their employees and letting them focus where they can make a real difference.

Innovation as a Service

Your people’s knowledge is an incredible (often underrated) resource to leverage - if guided with the right approach, it’s your own people who will make innovation happen.

We have developed a proprietary methodology to work with both people and technology: let us help you develop and launch MVPs, according to the Learning-by-doing concept, and deploy your innovation in the most effective way

Digital Technology Onboarding

Get your team aligned with the latest technologies, through our interactive workshops! This journey, tailored to your industry and needs, shows real use cases and practical examples about how emerging technologies can represent a competitive advantage for your company.

A perfect first step to start all-around company-wide digital transformation as well as area-specific digitization processes.


Our Approach

Take data to the next level, unlocking the power of business analytics. We help companies with the skills and experience required to integrate data from different systems, extract valuable insights from their data, and turn those insights into action.


We work with our customers to map their current data landscape, their data governance processes, and understand how their data analysis needs map to their business objectives.

This allows us to develop a comprehensive understanding of the data needs of each of the organization’s stakeholders. We also perform design-thinking sessions to explore how internal data, potentially combined with external data sources, can create value generation opportunities.


After the discovery phase, we develop a  roadmap that aligns with the organization's business objectives and goals.

The definition of the strategy and roadmap includes the future organization’s data infrastructure and tools, the data governance processes, and the organization required to support and take advantage of the data platform. This includes determining what kinds of data need to be analyzed and what types of insights can be gained from that data. 


With a solid plan in place, we proceed to deploying the tools and solutions identified in the roadmap and optimize existing ones.

We work collaboratively with our customers' teams to ensure a smooth and successful deployment, monitoring and optimizing the effectiveness of the solutions over time. We also provide comprehensive training and ongoing support to help companies get up to speed quickly.

Our Partners

AWS  Microsoft   Google Cloud   negative-onestream-new-logomark



Case Study

Enhancing Resource Management: Milano Ristorazione's Data-Driven Transformation

A key player in Milan's public catering services embraces data analytics to streamline operations, reduce waste, and ensure high-quality meal provision across the city.

Case Study

Baillie Lumber Transforms Business Operations by Leveraging the Power of Data

Baillie Lumber and Avvale joined forces to boost real-time data insights through the SAP Datasphere interface. This improved inventory management and operational efficiency while also promoting sustainable business practices and responsible resource ...

Case Study

Improved Data Platform: Clean Energy Provider Maximizes Data Accuracy and Reliability

Enhancing the quality of reporting and data by optimizing the AWS platform.

Case Study

Corvias Saves 10,000 Labor Hours Annually and Cuts Five Accounting Touchpoints with SAP S/4HANA® and SAP BTP

Discover how Corvias turned to Avvale and SAP to reimagine back-office workflows to help drive efficiency in combination with technology.

Case Study

Leveraging IoT to Achieve Excellence in Manufacturing: the Trocellen case

Discover how Avvale has revolutionized Trocellen's quality control through a cutting-edge IoT platform powered by AWS microservices.

Case Study

Informed and Sustainable Decision-Making: Avvale's Data Analytics Solution for the Maritime Industry

Discover how Avvale transformed data analysis and visualization for a global maritime manufacturer by implementing the Microsoft Power BI platform.


Heartland Dental Increases Business Assistant Productivity and Decreases Turnover with SAP BTP

Learn how Heartland Dental leverages SAP BTP to empower business assistants across the country through a system of engagement that optimizes their workday.

Case Study

Hotel Gran Bilbao Forecasts Occupancy Rates Using AI

Discover how Hotel Grand Bilbao partnered with Avvale to develop a tailor-made solution for calculating Revenue Per Available Room (REVPAR)

Case Study

Intelligent stadium elevates fan experience through real-time data decisions

An NFL team turned to Avvale to create the NFL's first analytics control room, promoting real-time data insights and an unprecedented look into stadium sustainability.

Technology Enabled

“I did not know that was possible” is one of the most common outcomes of a conversation between a business team with a need and a Technology Expert.

That’s why Digital Technology Enablement is so critical: by showing use cases and real examples of technology applied, we lay the foundation for concrete incremental innovation development – ultimately empowering the business with technology as a force multiplier.

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People Centric

Digital Transformation is about using technology to transform business processes, models, and organizations.

It is about using the insights brought both by users and technology to envision new business models, markets, and more efficient ways of attracting, engaging, and delivering value to customers.

Focusing on people rather than processes or technologies, allows to envision lean solutions truly built around their business needs, maximizing benefits and  accelerating adoption.

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Methodology based

The beNIMBL Loop is a proprietary methodology designed to maximize the alignment between people and technology, helping companies introduce fast, tangible, and impactful innovations.

Six different variants have been tailored for specific scenarios and industries according to people and company objectives.

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